Monday Mayhem - Dragon Knits

Finally!! We've been busy here ... not so much business-wise, but family sickness-wise! Things are getting back to normal and Litha (Summer Solstice) couldn't be a better day to jump back in!  Summer is in full swing here in Texas and we're working hard at keeping cool!

Here's a cool shop called Dragon Knits for you all to check out!
Etsy shop

Do you need some sweet summer jewelry?  Or how about a super yummy knit beach bag?  Dragon Knits is definitely the shop to shop.  Our conversation happened a couple of weeks ago in the midst of my sick kiddo, so I'm happy to finally be sharing this great find!

Meet Emily, wife, step-mom and creator extraordinaire!

My products include knitted items (mostly accessories like scarves, hats, and gloves) and jewelry. I hope to be adding a line of sewn items just as soon as I beat my sewing machine into submission. I love the items that I create, but I try not to get attached. I love sending them off to their new homes.

I have a wonderful husband and an equally wonderful step-daughter who is turning 9 next weekend. My husband is very supportive of my creative efforts...he gives the appropriate ohs and ahs whenever I create something new. :) My step-daughter actually gets to be the subject for my experiments in a lot of cases. Whenever I'm making something new, I make it in her size first, so she ends up with lots of loot. :)

When I grow up, I want to be a professional creator-of-things. I would love Dragon Knits to grow into a stable business that would replace my income as a teacher.

In tough times, I rely on my friends and family along with my fierce stubborn nature. :)

What does "Dirty Girl" mean to me? Hmmmm. I think being a Dirty Girl means doing what needs to be done, but in your own way. You may have to go to work, cook dinner, and read bedtime stories just like every other woman in the world, but leave your own, special mark on all that you do.

I'm particularly fond of my "pearl" jewelry. It reminds me of an era when things were simple and elegant. :)

Thank you so much Emily for your patience and your rockin' shop!  Readers, stop by and check out all of the cool things Emily's created!


Wonder Turtle Soaps said...

Great interview - thanks for sharing this wonderful Etsy shop. Emily's items are gorgeous (especially love the "Spring into Green" jewelry). Glad everyone in your family is feeling better - I was a sicky poo a couple of weeks ago, too. Just a summer cold, no biggie, but definitely not fun.

Dragon Knits said...

Thank you so much for the awesome feature! :D I'm so glad everyone is feeling better!

Dragon Knits

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